Category: Home

  • ADF Labeled as a Hate Group

    “The Scottsdale, Arizona-based Christian legal firm Alliance Defending Freedom was banned from the AmazonSmile program in 2018 after SPLC labeled it as a hate group due to its biblical views on sexuality.”


    •, Anugrah Kumar, December 26, 2020 – Leftist group in UK demands AmazonSmile drop BGEA, Focus on the Family from charity list

  • Christmas Song: Song of the Magi

    Manger - Christmas

    when we came
    we came through the cold
    we came bearing gifts of gold
    and frankincense and myrrh
    and there were trumpets playing
    there were angels looking down
    on a west bank town
    and he so loved the world

    wore we then our warmest capes
    wore we then our walking shoes
    opened wide the city gates
    and let us through

    a child is born
    born in Bethlehem
    born in a cattle pen
    a child is born on the killing floor
    and still he no crying makes
    still as the air is he
    lying so prayerfully there
    waiting for the war
    welcome home my child
    your home is a checkpoint now
    your home is a border town
    welcome to the brawl
    and life ain’t fair my child
    put your hands in the air my child
    slowly now single file
    now up against the wall

    wear we now our warmest coats
    wear we now our walking shoes
    open wide the gates of hope
    and let us through

    when we came
    we came through the cold
    we came bearing gifts of gold
    and frankincense and myrrh
    and there were shepherds praying
    there were lions laying down
    with the lambs in a west bank town
    and he so loved the world


  • Republican Congressmen Go Free Despite Crimes Against the United States

    The swamp was NOT drained.

    • Duncan D. Hunter (R-CA)
    • Chris Collins (R-NY)
    • Steve Stockman (R-TX)


    •, Michael Kranish, December 23, 2020 – Trump vowed to drain the swamp. Then he granted clemency to three former congressmen convicted of federal crimes.
  • Auto Insurance Premium Too High?

    Highway Lights
    Image by Florian Kurz from Pixabay

    COVID-19 is changing so much on how we do things.  Many of these processes may just be with us even after the pandemic is over.  Such things include online shopping, preparing more meals at home, outdoor eating at restaurants.  One idea that is catching on is a new way of automobile insurance.  Instead of paying at rates determined by others within certain zip codes the alternative is simply to install a small device in your care and pay insurance based upon how many miles you drive.  With many people working at home, this may be the future.

    Call your current automobile insurance company to see if they offer such an option.  One option is Metromile among others.  Do your research to see if this is an option.

  • Can You Really Reconcile with a Trump Voter?

    No to Trump

    “When Donald Trump was elected in 2016, like millions of other Americans, I was horrified. He had campaigned on a platform of hate, pledging to ban Muslims from entering the United States and build a literal wall to keep Latinos out of the country. He stoked anti-Semitism, mocked a disabled reporter and had a history of misogyny.” – Yahoo! News, Jamie Davis Smith, November 12, 2020 – No, I Will Not Be ‘Reaching Out’ To Trump Voters, Now Or Ever. Here’s Why.

    National Debt

    Can you Support Those Who Support Violence

    Believing in the Lies

    Degrading Our Military

    Mockery of Christian Values

    One of the most powerful sections of scripture is Matthew 25-31-46. Take each section and apply it to how the Trump administration has treated people over the period 2016-2000. No “real” Christian could ever condone what Trump did to the poor without health insurance, immigrant bans, children being displaced from their parents, removing aid from third world countries, building walls, etc. Do you really think Trump has ever read this?

    The Blood from the Pandemic is on His Hands

    Refusing to take simple steps to lower the curve, claiming that this will be over by Easter 2019, doing nothing to support the scientists.

    Abuse of Our Justice System