Judge issues humiliating smackdown of Trump lawyers in court. Lawyers used a web form on the Internet to collect unsubstantiated affidavits which they then used to con a judge with these fake documents. Lawyers like this should have their license to practice revoked.
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Giving thanks for our veterans
ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton | Nov. 13, 2020
We give thanks for the service of all our veterans and pray that we never take for granted the privileges they secured for us all.
Alex Trebek was the Kind of Person We Should All Aspire to be by Ross Reck
71st Annual Peabody Awards Luncheon Waldorf-Astoria Hotel – Photo by Anders Krusberg Ross Reck recently wrote: Alex Trebek, host of “Jeopardy!” passed away recently. Alex was a very special person in that everyone who encountered him, whether in person or on television, loved him including the people he worked for, worked with, as well as the show’s contestants. On top of that, his fans adored him. You never saw anything written or heard anything said about him that was even remotely negative. After he announced that he had been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, he received hundreds of thousands of cards, letters, emails, texts, and tweets all wishing him well. What was the secret to his success? He was a genuinely kind person—he truly cared about people and it showed. How do you want to be remembered?
Why Trumpsters Believe His Lies
“President Donald Trump has been bending and breaking laws all of his life. Michael Cohen, his longtime personal lawyer, stated under oath that Trump directed him to violate federal campaign finance law; the state of New York has evidence that Trump and his family have been cheating on their taxes for years; the Trump family’s “persistently illegal conduct” and “repeated and willful self-dealing transactions” have led the New York attorney general to file a lawsuit against the Trump Foundation. The list goes on.” 1
Trump Supporter, “I came here to fight…”
““I came here to fight,” a Trump supporter yelled moments before the clash began. The day’s outcome appeared inevitable despite attempts by hundreds of police dealing with unrest throughout downtown.” – Washington Post, Peter Hermann and Lauren Lumpkin, November 15, 2020 – Police say groups arrived in District ‘intent on clashing’ as they assess violent end to Trump rallies