Category: Home

  • The Sham of the National Prayer Breakfast

    Prayer - The Sham of the National Prayer Breakfast

    The National Prayer Breakfast is a thing that is not what it is purported to be and is falsely presenting itself as some bipartisan love-fest.

    A secret organization called “The Family” organizes the event every year. Also called “The Fellowship”, it is composed primarily of evangelical Christian men that have extreme right-wing interpretation of the Scriptures and lobby governments and try to influence politicians with their views. It is not a registered lobby group but a non-profit church as authorized by the United States IRS. Over the course of the last 75 years, their influence is not just in the United States but worldwide. 1

    At first glance, the annual National Prayer Breakfast looks like a feel-good event meant to bring Democrats and Republicans together.

    In reality, the forum is intended to help right-wing lobbyists and foreign dictators hobnob with U.S. officials. That’s because the famous breakfast is organized by “the Fellowship” (or “the Family”), a secretive right-wing organization that teaches “totalitarianism for Christ;” favorably compares Hitler, Lenin, and Mao to Jesus; and works to recruit powerful leaders into its fold.

    The National Prayer Breakfast tries to hide its true agenda behind a facade of Congressional hosts and bipartisan legitimacy. The good news is that Democrats are finally waking up: Nine out of 14 Democrats on last year’s host committees have dropped out, including presidential candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar.

    Unfortunately, some Democrats still support the event. Event hosts like co-chair Rep. Tom Suozzi and former vice-presidential candidate Sen. Tim Kaine need to hear from Christians who reject the Family’s hijacking of our faith. 2 invites those who see this sham to add their names to their pledge and encourage others to withdray their support and not attend. You can sign their pledge by Clicking Here.

    Its members include Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Jim Inhofe (R-OK), and Vice President Mike Pence is also reported to have ties to it. 3

  • End Citizens United

    End Citizens United

    There’s no way around it: The Citizens United decision is destroying our democracy.

    It’s been 10 years since the disastrous Supreme Court decision legalized “pay for play” politics. Because of it, right-wing billionaires are unfairly impacting our elections, and drowning out the will of the people.

    There’s only one thing to do: ratify a constitutional amendment to OVERTURN Citizens United and return our democracy to the people.

    Sign the Petition

  • Trump Strikes a Hornet’s Nest

    Trump's chess board

    It looks Trump is starting a war with Iran. Hundreds of our young men and women are now being sent to the middle east to protect US assets.

    “It’s like hitting a hornets’ nest with a baseball bat,” said Robert Baer, a former CIA case officer in the Middle East and veteran of clandestine operations. “You don’t do it unless you’re ready to go to war with the hornets.” 4

    Both Republican and Democratic administrations showed careful avoidance of this kind of confrontation that might escalate into war with Iran. But Trump’s erratic decision making process has changed all that.

    Trump’s mistake of pulling out of the Iran Nuclear Deal was a big mistake. Now he and the United States will be paying for it. All because Trump is trying to undo everything good that President Obama tried to accomplish including healthcare.

  • OMG – Trump’s National Debt is Sky Rocketing

    Do Be Fooled by Trump’s Lies

    Voo-doo Magic

    So you think the economy is doing great? That’s what Trump and many in his administration would like you to think. The national debt in the U.S. has increased more than 10% since President Trump took office in January of 2017 with the deb-to-GDP ratio approaching 110% in 2019. 5

    Although Trump said he would be reducing the national debt, it is now sky rocketing. Sure, reduce taxes but then what funds the government? Borrow, borrow, borrow. It is what brought on Trumps many bankruptcies and probably what will cause serious problems in the United States.

    When Congress spends more than it takes in, the debt increases. If you did this with your personal budget, you would be in real trouble. If you want to shake in your boots, read the Congressional Budget Office report titled, “The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2019-2029.”

    The report states: “Real GDP is projected to grow by 2.3 percent in 2019—down from 3.1 percent
    in 2018—as the effects of the 2017 tax act on the growth of business investment wane and
    federal purchases, as projected under current law, decline sharply in the fourth quarter of 2019.” 6 7

    Think twice when Trump says the economy is doing great.

  • The Heart of the Reformation – By David R. Weiss

    The following article was received via email shortly after the 2009 ELCA Assembly. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America made the bold step of inclusion and welcoming as Christ has taught us. Below is the actual content of the letter that we wish to share.

    The Heart of the Reformation – By David R. Weiss

    [the author of To the Tune of a Welcoming God: Lyrical reflections on sexuality, spirituality and the wideness of God’s welcome (Langdon Street Press, 2008).  From 1999-2005 he taught religion in Rochester for programs through Luther College (Decorah, Iowa) and Augsburg College (Minneapolis). He lives in St. Paul, where he attends an ELCA congregation and is a self-employed speaker and writer on the intersection of sexuality and spirituality.]

    Last August [2009] the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) changed its policy to allow for blessing same-gender couples and ordaining persons in committed same-gender relationships.

    Since then very few “official” Lutheran voices have dared to publicly celebrate and rejoice in the good news this offers to our gay and lesbian members (and to their families and friends as well). Our leaders prefer to downplay any real significance to this policy change–which is a bit like pretending that when the early church began recognizing Gentiles (non-Jews) as fully Christian without needing to become Jewish in diet and practice, it was “no big deal.” Right.

    They keep saying “nothing has changed.” Individual churches continue to have final say over whose relationships are blessed in their sanctuaries and who is called to serve in their parishes. Churches unconvinced that homosexuality is part of the diversity of God’s creation can continue to call it an abomination if they prefer. So, in this sense, I suppose nothing has changed.

    However, for some folks things clearly have changed–and not for the better. The most vocal Lutherans these days are threatening to take their wallets, their memberships, and occasionally their entire congregations elsewhere. They say that in August the ELCA jettisoned its understanding of sin, its respect for the Bible, and its fidelity to the Lutheran confessions. Yikes.

    So, what’s a Lutheran to do if you’re actually pleased by the August actions? Short of posting my words on the door of every ELCA Lutheran church, I’ll settle for having my brief say in three short points here in print. (You can certainly post the column on your own church door if you wish!)

    1. We have not chosen to ignore sin. In good Lutheran fashion we see sin as broken relationship, whether with God, our fellow humans, or the world. And for all of us our understanding of what specifically constitutes sin has changed in every era. Ninety years ago–at a good Lutheran elementary school–my grandfather’s left arm was literally tied to his desk to keep him from “sinning” by writing with “the devil’s hand.” There are a lot of specific behaviors that used to be seen as sins, but which we now realize don’t break relationship with God or anyone else. We may not all agree on that list, but it’s a cheap shot to say that we’ve dismissed the whole notion of sin. We haven’t. And to say otherwise is to bear false witness against your neighbor, which is, by all accounts, sin.

    2. We have not rejected the Bible. Luther was himself a Scripture scholar; he was no biblical literalist. Though he hardly had access to all the knowledge that today’s scholars enjoy, he used all the scholarship at his disposal, and through it he heard genuinely good news in the Bible. In a similar way, through scholarship and prayer we’ve been convinced that there is yet more good news to proclaim. In a very Lutheran way, we respect the Bible too much to think that it’s best understood by just reading the words off the page. For Luther the Bible only becomes “God’s Word” when it offers life. He would be outraged to see the Bible used like a club to batter people. In such a scenario, Luther would say, “that’s not the Word of God, it’s just a heavy book being used to inflict harm.”

    3. We have not forsaken the Lutheran confessions. The heart of the Reformation, “the doctrine by which the church stands or falls,” as Luther wrote, is “justification by faith.” To people dreadfully anxious about their salvation, Luther declared that our behavior–whether good or bad–had nothing to do with fixing our relationship with God. God fixes the relationship … as a gift. For many of us right now, the words of those who are angry about the changed policies seem determined, in a very unLutheran way, to make one whole category of people eternally anxious about their salvation. The Reformation was about ending that anxiety, not institutionalizing it. We believe that being true to the confessions means using the principle of “justification by faith” to ask afresh in every era, “what shall we say now in order to be life-giving today?”–and then to make sometimes difficult and daring choices in response. We say this is entirely in character with the Reformation.

    So, to those who say that the ELCA betrayed its own Lutheran heritage last August, I beg to differ. The heart of the Reformation is alive and well among us. It’s about grace and welcome offered as a free gift to people otherwise made anxious by social and religious forces. And this year, both long overdue and also at long last, from the heart of the Reformation I’m saying to my gay and lesbian brothers and sisters, “Welcome home.”