Happiness Causes Lots of Good Things to Happen in Your Life

Smiling Fruit
Smiling Fruit

We’ve all heard the phrase: “Don’t worry, be happy.” While it may sound trite, numerous medical and psychological studies show that this is sound advice to live by. These studies found that that happiness causes good things to happen across a number of fronts. For example, happy people have higher incomes, more fulfilling marriages, healthier lifestyles, better relationships, superior work performance, are more involved with their communities, have better health and live longer lives. In addition, happy people are more optimistic, kind, have more energy and are less likely to have heart problems. As Dr. Karina Davidson, of the Columbia University Medical Center put it, “If you are not a naturally happy person, try acting like one.” Doing things like cooking a meal for someone who is sick or grieving, slowing down in traffic to allow someone can cut in front of you, running an errand for someone, or doing something to brighten another person’s day can cause these same good things to happen in your life.

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