Take a Hike!
Sometimes we can fall into a rut where we’re doing the same things at the same time every day and watching the same television programs every evening. When this occurs, life can become a little stale or even boring. One inexpensive and enjoyable way to pull yourself out of such a rut is to take a walk with someone. According to an article by Jancee Dunn, which appeared in the New York Times, “Some of my most rewarding conversations have happened while on foot. The exchanges seemed to flow more easily, as if our steps were setting the tempo for our speech.” She goes on to point out that: “Research shows that it can be less stressful to talk to someone when you’re walking side by side with minimal eye contact, than conversing face to face.” These types of conversations serve to lighten our load, lift our spirits, and deepen our connection with the person we’re walking with. You’ll be getting some exercise, deepening social connections, and having fun. Now that’s a rut worth falling into.