Obviously Money Corrupts? The Story of Kyrsten Sinema

Prior to her Senate run she tweeted, “Asking big corporations & the rich to pay their fair share is common sense, not class warfare.” – Wow! Just another Big Lie. Twitter

Big Pharma in the Hip Pocket

“Joe Biden allies ran ads thanking Kyrsten Sinema for fighting for lower drug prices — just before she did the exact opposite by opposing Democrats’ drug pricing plan.” 1

“Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, the controversial Arizona Democrat who threatens to derail President Biden’s legislative agenda, received more than $750,000 in donations from the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. After that, she announced her opposition to a Democratic plan to lower prescription drug costs.” 2

Her Ring Says It All

“The battle over the budget deal is not the first time Sinema has bucked her party since Biden became president. In March, she was one of eight Democrats to vote against a minimum wage increase in the pandemic relief bill and enraged many liberals by doing so with a jaunty thumbs-down. Her office claimed the criticism was sexist, and the following month Sinema posted a photo of herself wearing a ring that said, “F*** off.”” 3

  1. JacobInMag.com, Andrew Perez, September 27, 2021 – Kyrsten Sinema Comes Through Yet Again for Big Pharma
  2. Salon.com, Igor Derysh, September 23, 2021 – Big Pharma, medical firms donated $750K to Kyrsten Sinema — then she opposed drug bill Democrats who now oppose the plan to lower prescription drug costs accused of “carrying water for Big Pharma”
  3. Yahoo! News, Christopher Wilson and Brittany Shepherd, September 29, 2021 – With Biden’s agenda hanging in the balance, progressive frustration with Sinema boils over