Ross Reck: Doing the Right Thing


The Right Thing

DecisionDoing the right thing makes you look good and it energizes those around.  Often we are faced with situations where we ask ourselves, “Should I do the right thing or take the easy way out?”

I was on a Hertz Rental Car bus not long ago at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport.  A pregnant woman traveling with three kids and five suitcases was getting off the bus at the United Airlines terminal.  All the driver was required to do was to help the woman and her children off the bus and put her bags on the curb (the easy way out).  Instead, he carried her bags to the entrance of the terminal, loaded them onto a Smartcarte and then turned the cart over to the woman (the right thing).  When he returned to the bus, he was greeted with cheers and a thunderous ovation.  The energy level on the bus for the rest of the ride was unbelievable as everyone was blown away by the driver’s actions.

The next time you are tempted to take the easy way out, keep in mind that people are watching.  So, do the right thing and blow them away–you’ll be glad you did!



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