Mrs. G. Rothe Killed Sat. By Angry Bull

Mrs. G. Rothe

September 25, 1944

Roth Killed by Bull

Mrs. G. Rothe Killed Sat. By Angry Bull

13 Year Old Daughter Finds Mother In A Unconscious Condition

Injuries received when she was attacked by an angry bull proved almost instantly fatal to Mrs. Elsie A. Rothe, 43, wife of Gus Rothe, who resides one mile east of Grindstone City. The accident occur red in the barnyard on the farm Saturday morning as Mrs. Rothe was taking the cattle back to pasture.

Mr. Rothe had gone to Port Hope on business and had not returned yet when the fatal accident happened.

John Schneider, a neighbor, came to borrow some farm machinery and a 13 year old daughter, Grace Rothe, went to look for her mother. When she reached the barnyard she found that the animal had attacked her mother and that she was unconscious on the ground. After driving the bull away with a [barrage] of stones, the mother was reached, but she died before she could be removed to the house.

Undersheriff George Dunn and Coroner James Colgan investigated the accident.

Surviving Mrs. Rothe besides her husband and five daughters, Dorothy 19, Virginia 17, Betty 13, and Wilma 10; and one son, Edward, 5, all at home; her mother Mrs. Emily Thuemmel, Port Austin; three brothers, Charles, Robert and William Thuemmel, all of Port Austin; and five sisters, Mrs. Minnie Dahlke, Harbor Beach; Mrs. Gertrude Scott, Port , Hope; Mrs. Tillie Schumann, Port Austin; Mrs. Clara Hunter, Saginaw; and Mrs. Eleanor Voelker, Owendale.

The funeral will be Tuesday at 1 p.m. from the home and 2 p.m. from the Lutheran church in Port Hope.
