WXYZ: TV news producer/Writer. (Died August 13, 2006).
- Newsroom – 1983
Al Volker, Barb Horner, Lynda Solomon, Nancy Fowler (nee Larson), Cheryl Gray, Jeff Floyd, Ruth Ezell, Terry Harrington, Craig Weiland
Take Two taken a few minutes apart – Al is now looking up, Walter Kraft enters the newsroom
Al Volker, Barb Horner, Lynda Solomon, Nancy Fowler (nee Larson), Cheryl Gray, Jeff Floyd, Ruth Ezell, Terry Harrington, Craig Weiland Walter Kraft - Just Prior to the Six PM News
WXYZ: It’s always hussle bussle prior to any newscast. Here the six o’clock producer, Bob Clinkingbeard is finalizing the rundown for the newscast along with the writers and executive producers.
Donella Crawford, Lynda Solomon, Dan Dmitrik, Walter Kraft, Steve Kremer, Bob Clinkingbeard