WXYZ: Anchor, reporter
Bumper Sticker from a PR campaign – Circa 1980s
- One of the WXYZ News Sets from the 1980s
Terry Frisco, Bill Bonds, Robbie Timmons – Photo courtesy of Jim Madaus – Slightly blurry photo but one of the few photos we have of this particular news set. - A Great News Team – Circa 1980s at WXYZ
- Bill Bonds Death – Bob Berg Reaction
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Bob Berg, Coleman Young’s Press Secretary, reacts to the death of Bill Bonds and talks about the mutual respect Bill Bonds and Coleman Young had with each other.
- WXYZ Promo – Tell ’em you are from Detroit
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Bill Bonds, Doris Biscoe-Bailey, Rob Kress, Diana Lewis, Steve Gargiola, John Kelly, Marilyn Turner, Jay Berry, Jerry Hodak, Rich Fisher, Dayna Eubanks