• Beiber, Dave

    On the staff.  We are looking for more information about Dave.  If you can help, please use the comment form below.

  • Beemer, J.D.

    TV talent, reporter. Hosted western movies.  Son of Brace Beemer.

  • The Lone Ranger – Rochester-Avon Historical Society

    Presentation from November 5, 2015, with Larry Zdeb and Chuck Daugherty


  • Batson, Aune

    Film director.

  • Hipple, Eric

    Sports intern.


    • Real Men Do Cry by Eric Hipple and Heidi Horsley
      Eric Hipple
      Available from Amazon.com

      Real Men Do Cry, by former NFL quarterback Eric Hipple, is an incredible story of tragedy and triumph. After his 15-year-old son died of suicide, Eric fell into a debilitating downward spiral. Bankrupt and jailed for drunk driving, he found the strength to seek therapy for his own depression and was able to make an amazing comeback. With unflinching honesty, Eric shares his journey, thus opening the door for others to realize that depression is treatable. This page-turner is packed with practical resources for families living with depression and is a valuable tool for counselors and mental health professionals nationwide. Resources include a Nine-Symptom Checklist for Depression along with Signs of Depression and Possible Suicide Risk.